Over the last few years we’ve built lots of Drupal 8 sites, and some Drupal 9
ones too, both for our clients and for ourselves. As such, we’ve taken a keen
interest in (read: faced many challenges with) the Configuration Management
subsystem. This was a major new component in Drupal 8, and so, while it’s
functional, it isn’t yet mature. Of course, the vibrant Drupal developer
community jumped in to smooth the rough edges and fill the gaps, in what has
since become known …
How does Goldilocks know what she likes and doesn’t like?
If you were making her a chair, a bed, or a bowl of porridge, how would you figure it out?
How would you convince her to spend the time and resources needed to determine what is “juuust right” for her?
We will use the traditional fairy tale as a jumping-off point for a discussion of testing first, failing fast, Behaviour-Driven Development and other agile practices we use at Consensus Enterprises. Along the way, we will review Behat, …
One of our core principles is solidarity with each other and with our communities.
As a part of living this principle, Consensus takes on occasional projects that have the potential for high impact but lack the necessary budget for custom development.
We have some standard templates for such projects, so we can spin them up quickly for review by the clients, and deploy them to low- or no-cost hosts, appropriate to the amount of traffic they are expecting.
A lot of potential clients come to us with straightforward and small projects and ask, “Well, can you do Kubernetes?” And we say, “Well, we can, but you don’t need it.”
But they’re afraid that they’ll be missing out on something if we don’t add Kubernetes to the stack. So this is a post to tell you why we probably won’t be recommending Kubernetes.
This post is going to look at three perspectives on this question… First, I’ll consider the technical aspects, specifically what problems Kubernetes …