TL;DR: Zero to Drupal 10 on Aegir 3 in About Fifteen Minutes For those in a hurry:
Start with a fresh Ubuntu 22 VM. Clone this git repository and follow the instructions in the README file. Use the Aegir 3 site migration process to move your Drupal sites to your new setup. Happy migrating!
For more detailed information, keep reading.
Background: Tectonic Drift At Consensus Enterprises, we’re dedicated to helping organizations transition smoothly from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 on Aegir 3.
Why use a VPN? Within cloud computing, there are various types of sites and services not meant for public consumption (e.g. analytics software, databases, log servers, etc.). For security reasons, it’s best to keep these accesssible only via the private network, which is behind the firewall.
To provide access to these resources, a virtual private network (VPN) should be used, with network access granted only to trusted individuals within the organization.
Aegir is the one-and-only FLOSS hosting system for Drupal sites that’s been around for over 10 years, a rock in the community. While Drupal hosting companies have come and gone, Aegir’s always been there for folks who want to host Drupal sites themselves. According to recent data at the time of this writing, there are 567 instances (that we know about).
It’s used by organizations worldwide such as the US National Democratic Institute, NASA, and the European Commission.
On Friday, October 18th, I presented at DrupalCamp Ottawa 2019. That’s the annual gathering of the Drupal community in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Session information:
Ever heard of infrastructure-as-code? The idea is basically to use tools like Ansible or Terraform to manage the composition and operation of your cloud systems. This allows infrastructure to be treated just like any other software system. The code can be committed into Git which allows auditability, and reproducibility.