So far in this series, we’ve covered most of the foundational pieces of our pure ansible infrastructure
We’ve got Drumkit installed, and configured our
dynamic inventory. The last piece we need is a
way to configure the fine-grained details of the Ansible playbooks and roles
we’ll be running. We also need a secure way to store variables with sensitive
data, in such a way that Ansible can access them as needed.
In any Infrastructure-as-Code project, there is a need to have visibility over
what’s actually live in the environment we’re managing. There’s also a need for
the Code part to have a manifest for what should exist. Any infrastructure
provisioning tool’s job is essentially to reconcile the difference between
these two things.
In a traditional Ansible setup, these two concepts would be represented by a
(typically a file named hosts). The inventory system …
Drumkit is one of my favourite tools that we use at
Consensus, because it serves to unify and simplify how we interact with our
project tooling. Drumkit itself is very simple, leveraging the venerable GNU make to create short, project-specific “targets” which are essentially a list of sub-commands to run.
Any time we have a complex command-line command to do something, and we need to run it regularly,
we add a Drumkit target for it and no longer have to remember the correct flags to …
In the first iteration of Consensus Enterprises’ internal infrastructure, we
built a well-provisioned, multi-environment architecture leveraging the
most Open services we could find ( We built things as if
we were one of the larger-scale clients we tend to work with, who have
legitimate needs for more complex architectures.
We implemented a carefully crafted Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) repository,
capable of switching between environments based on shell scripts to …